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Reklama​tion Minis​tries​
Seeing the Church and the World in Plain Vie​w​
Finally, we conclude with (page 5) of our Prophetic Audio Bible Studies on:
Isaiah 7 & 8 Daniel 11:40-45 Nahum Ch. 1 & 2
Revelation Ch. 17 & 18
Truths that are of vital importance for both the Church andthe World
The first Video shares some history and of the US and her Allies against other nations.
Example of things to come according to End-time Bible Prophecy
This Video we've shared is by Living Waters with Ray Comfort
The main emphasis of sharing this video is to show that concerning
the Coming World War,
the nations are in a state of readiness or on alert!
My hope is that everyone who listens to the various topics presented, will take heed to what they have heard, seek a relationship with the Lord and get ready for what is to come, as it will affect us all, whether we are in
the Church or in the world.
We conclude now in these:
Advanced Studies
with the continued messages of the
Coming Final World War
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