Reklama​tion Minis​tries​
Seeing the Church and the World in Plain Vie​w​
* The salt glow skin rub is often
invigorating. Stand in a tub of hot
water. Moisten the hands and body with water, dip hands into a container of salt and rub the skin briskly. Shower to remove salt from the skin.
* The cold mitten friction is carried out by dipping a wash cloth or mittens in the cold water and briskly rubbing the body, refreshing the cloths as they warm up. Start at the head and progress downward toward the feet. The body should be warm before beginning the treatment.
* Abdominal cold packs and cold showers have been shown to be more effective in relieving fatigue than rest. Blood pulled from other parts of the body brings glucose, oxygen and other fatigue-relieving compounds and useful host chemicals into the area. Temperatures of the cold packs should
* Heat treatments are helpful for those suffering from chronic fatigue, but should not be prolonged. Prolonged heat has a depressing effect can worsen fatigue. Five to six minutes may be sufficient to start vigorous sweating, then the treatment should be concluded with a cold treatment—a cold shower, cold towel rub, wet sheet rub, or salt glow. The purpose of the treatment is to stimulate circulation and eliminate toxins from the skin.
* Outdoor life is beneficial to the fatigue sufferer. Breathing devitalized, deoxygenated indoor air deprives the body of oxygen. * Respiratory exercises are often
helpful in increasing energy levels.
While walking, try to inhale for five
steps, and then exhale for six steps. Take slow, deep breaths, attempting to fill and empty the lungs as completely as possible.
* Another method of exercising the lungs is to take a deep breath and read out loud as long as possible with a single breath. With time the lung capacity will increase.
Allopathic medications are not the solution to fatigue. Many physicians almost instinctively prescribe sedatives or anti-depressants which only compound the problem. Instead try herbs such as: Valerian root, skullcap, peppermint, ginkgo, catnip, chamomile or rosemary.
Other supplements can be beneficial, such as: Vitamins C, E and the entire B-complex family, and bee pollen.
In general, eat a balanced vegetarian diet of mostly fruits and vegetables and drink large amounts of fresh juiced vegetables such as: carrots, celery and lettuce. Try it! You'll feel better!
Information was taken from numerous sources, including personal experiences and experts.