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     And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it: but I found none." (Ezekiel 22:30).

      What does prayer mean to you? Talking to God as to a friend? Phoning home? Is it the very air that you breathe? Constant communication between earth and heaven? Coming boldly to the "throne of grace"? Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat? It's all of this and so much more.

      It's the praise found in (Psalm 107:21-36; Psalm 100). It's the thanksgiving in (Psalm 100:4; Philippians 4:6). It’s the request/petition found in (Psalm 51; Matt 6:5-15; Philippians 1:4 & 4:19). It's the healing in (Psalm 30:2-3; 42:11). It's the intercession of John17. It's poetry and music; painting and sculpture and drama. It's Elijah on Mt. Carmel. It's Jesus in Gethsemane. It brings baptism

of the Holy Spirit, producing spiritual growth in God's people,

opening the door to every blessing. It's a force more powerful than nuclear fission.

     Then why aren't there more modern-day prayer warriors like George Muller, Oswald Chambers, and intercessors like Roger Morneau and Abraham?

      “We are all Pharisees until we are willing to learn to intercede... We think of prayer as a preparation for work, or a claim after having done work, whereas prayer is the essential work." 1.

      "Are we prepared to go into the shameless business of prayer? That is, are we prepared to get to the right under-standing of God in this matter? We can only get it one way—not by disputing or controversy, but by prayer....The

Sermon on the Mount has more to do with prayer than anything else. It means an end of self-indulgence in the body, in the mind, in the spirit, self-indulgence in anything and everything, and a strenuous determination to get to understand God in this matter." 2.

     Reading Morneau's books Incredible Answers to Prayer and More Incredible Answers to Prayer has revolutionized my prayer life. I became a prayer warrior. I asked

for forgiveness of my sins that I might intercede for others, and intercede I did and do. Pleading the blood of Jesus, shed at Calvary to cover the sins of others, asking that individuals be forgiven for specific sins. Asking that they be surrounded by heavenly love, light, peace, and joy. That the bounds of Satan be set, and they be given a Spirit of Surrender. I have seen miracles happen in the lives of others as a result of this type of intercession. Broken relationships mended, lives changed, hearts softened, individuals turning to Christ who had never considered such a thing before. It changed the atmosphere on my job, in my neighborhood, in my church, in my home.

      As Christ intercedes for us in heaven, we must intercede for one another here on earth. It is our reasonable service, a gift we can give to Him. Intercessory prayer changes things.

By Penny Payne


                                                          1. If You Will Ask, by Oswald Chambers, p. 74.2

2. Ibid p. 79.2 (Discovery House Publishers c. 1985 U.S.)

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