fundamental issue of three distinct persons yet one God.
We humans find it hard to understand a "one" but "three" concept, because it is beyond our strictly human grasp. We can naturally visualize a Father and Son, but a third, breath-like being, devoid of humanity' is hard to fathom. The Bible mentions the Spirit being sent, or filling, speaking through or moving in someone, yet He has a personality. Our tiny minds just melts down with the idea. We can see the Spirit as a force, a power, or an energy of sorts, but a being?—a person?
Now, you need an example. Something to visualize. Of course, you realize that any attempt to illustrate the triune but singular God is obviously doomed to fall short of the mark. But, then . . . we can certainly try.
We refer to a bouquet in the singular sense, yet a bouquet is comprised of flowers which are plural. We could speak about jewelry, (not to mean that we
could say that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct entities or "beings", yet they are bound by the "one chain"—one nature and one purpose—perfect in love, mercy, power, grace and truth, and thus it is one necklace—one God.
A Person?
What do we mean by a person anyway? Well, a person is a very limited word when we speak of God—the sovereign of the Universe. We can only use terms that we can understand. Much like the prophets who spoke of a chariot who swept Elijah up to heaven (2 Kings 2:11, 12) or chariots jostling in the broad streets with flaming torches and running like lightning. (Nahum 2:3, 4). Obviously, in the case of Elijah, he was speaking of some
supercharged celestial vehicle, not a real chariot with real horses. Nahum was clearly describing modern vehicular traffic, speeding along wide highways with their glaring head-lights.
We can be assured that "every fact which immediately concerns the salvation of souls will be made so clear that none need err or walk in darkness." 8 So all we can do is thoroughly search God's Word, find the "weight of evidence" 9 and accept that evidence by faith; knowing that now we see through a glass darkly, but then later we will see face to face with clarity. (1 Cor. 13:12)
The Scriptural Evidence
We have already seen the explicit evidence from the Spirit of Prophecy, but God's servant must have got it from somewhere? Of course, it was derived from the Bible, the foundation and source of our faith. So now we go to the storehouse of all truth.
There is little question about the Father. The question surrounding the Trinity is sometimes on Christ and the Holy Spirit—the Second and Third persons of the Godhead. For the majority, though, the question lies with the Holy Spirit only; is He a person, or is He God's mind, force, energy, power,