Reklama​tion Minis​tries​
Seeing the Church and the World in Plain Vie​w​
can be cooked in soups or with grains, or made into a tea. It can also be taken in capsule form.
Damiana is a herb that can be taken in tea or capsules.
Ginkgo can be taken in capsules or tea.
Peppermint is one of the most known and best herbs in the world. Use it in any form.
Parsley can be taken in food, juice or in capsules.
Garlic can also be taken in food, juice or in capsules.
Skullcap is popular for sleep, but it can also be effective against allergies.
Vitamin C is essential and acts like a natural antihistamine. Typical dosages during the allergy season are, between 3 -6,000 mg daily or you can get them from foods as shown here.
Angelica can be taken internally as capsules, tea, or drops can be placed in steamers or hot water then inhaled for relief of stuffiness.
Slippery Elm Bark can be taken in powdered/tea form or in capsules.
Licorice can also be helpful. This herb can be taken in any form. However, those with high blood pressure should avoid taking it.
Diet should consist largely of fruits and vegetables either raw or lightly steamed, with smaller amounts of whole grains, seeds and nuts. (See: the Entering Wedge, pp. 29, 30, for more on 80-20% diet).
Diet should also be relatively free from dyes, preservatives and
other additives. Vegetable juices with carrot, celery, onions and parsley, are excellent.
Other helps: Exercise is very helpful, especially in the open air. Hot compresses to the sinuses is also good to aid relief of congestion. Keep the bowels free. We know, nobody likes enemas, but they can help! Did you know that copious of amounts of water is very helpful with allergies and all pulmonary troubles? For some, drinking ten to 15 glasses of water daily is sufficient.
Hope you have a better allergy season.
Parts of the article on allergies were taken from The Natural Way of Healing Asthma and Allergies, by Gary Mclain, Ph.D.