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Are you getting enough of daily servings of Fruits and Vegetables?
If not, I'd like to introduce you to try JUICE PLUS+Vegan products
Each container has 11 Servings of Fruits, 11 Servings of Vegetables or 11 Servings of Berries and 6 different healthy Oils
*** HEALTHY STARTS FOR FAMILIES (A Brief Explanation) - This means that if an Adult purchase products - make an Order, you get 4 months product in one Order, but you pay each month. So, it mean the Order is divided into 4 months payment, a child can get FREE (Fruit and Vegetable Capsules or Chewable Gummies for 4 years with each Order. The shipping cost is $10 per 4 months one time payment or $2.50 with each months payment for each FREE Product for the child) ****
Click each Video to learn more
Click each Tab below to read
JUICE PLUS+ Product Ingredients
Chewables Gummies
Complete Shakes and Bars
Serving per Adults 2 Capsules or 4 Chewable Gummies​, children half serving each product
See Chart above for the Cost per day you would pay for each product(s) Ordered Monthly
Do you have any questions?
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Click the Page Tab to get more information on Juice Plus+ Clinical Research
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